Janny J. Johnson / Writing Jan

Singing Lessons
When my little daughter asks me to sing to her, I tell her I can't sing well. Then I recall my own mother telling me the same thing when I was young, making me realize that singing to my little one has to do with love, not with the quality of my voice.

Most of my freelance writing is about the years I spent raising my four children. My essays have appeared in regional, national and international publications. You will find a list of all my essays below, even those that have not yet been published! E-mail me if you'd like to include one in your publication.   writingjan@zoho.com 

(humor) My three-year-old daughter turned into an on-the-floor-I-won't-talk-to-you-with-anything-but-kitty-talk kitty. It lasted six weeks and drove me crazy!
My granddaughter, Lilly
Kitty-Child has been reprinted in several regional parenting magazines in the US and Canada.
Other Essays Available for Publication

I Want Gu-u-u-m!
Out of cold cereal on a Saturday morning, I make a dash to the grocery story with my two hungry kids in tow. That's when my older child teaches the younger one "the rule," and we conquer the "gimmies."

School Bus Blues
Watching the school bus pull away without my young daughters aboard makes me wonder if we've made the right decision to homeschool.

Angel of Mercy
Band-Aids have a way of sticking to kids long after they are serving any purpose. Pulling them off can cause more trauma than the original owie. I have an unusual way of removing them!

De-escalating Elevator Fears
Traveling abroad and trapped between floors in a hotel skyscraper, I must come to grips with my long-held elevator fears. This piece became a finalist for short memoir in the Pacific Northwest Writer's Association Literary Contest, in 2015.
Parent Wise: Austin, October 2011
BC Parent Magazine, Holiday 2011
​                  Morning Madness
(humor) We overslept on the morning of my son's ninth birthday. That set the tone for the rest of the day as I prepared for my book club to arrive: I found my missing soup tureen filled with shampoo and bark under my son's bed, twisted my ankle on a dustpan acting like a skateboard, and set my kitchen on fire.

​                                   Seeing Clearly
When I was a teen, I lost a contact lens at the top of a wind-blasted, sandy gorge. I found the lens in a very unexpected way.

The New Era has purchased first rights to this essay. It will appear soon in their magazine, which is distributed worldwide.
Thin Threads: Moms and Grandmas, 2011, an anthology 
                Dandelion Wishes
While caring for my baby who is stricken with seizures, I become obsessed with trying to create perfection in just one area of my life -- my lawn.   
BC Parent Magazine
Holiday 2012
BC Parent Magazine, Educational 
Issue 2012
Broward Family Magazine, May, 2014
The Best Gift​
I find myself home with my three year-old son when his two bossy sisters are away for the day. I try and spend one-on-one time -- touted by a recent parenting magazine as the best gift a parent can give their child -- however, my little son asks to have time alone.
New Jersey Family Magazine, July 2014
​Zoo Attractions
A sweltering day at the zoo goes nowhere until an unusual creature catches my children's attention.
BC Parent Magazine, Summer 2014

Don't You Know Dahlias?

While walking through a farmers market, a stall full of dahlias reminds me of an unhurried time in my childhood, as well as a connection to my beloved grandmother.
BC Parenting Magazine Summer 2013
Capture A Moment In Time -- Fabulous Family Interviews
​For us it all began when our oldest daughter, then three  announced she wanted to grow up to be a giraffe! Conducting Interviews can be
done simply, and I offer sample questions.
West Coast Families
Vancouver, BC - April 2015
BC Parenting Magazine
March 2012
Houston Family
October/November 2014
San Diego Families
April 2015
Writing Thankful Letters
Teaching children to show gratitude can be difficult. But we conquered that when we had the kids write letters of appreciation to people who are not normally acknowledged. And as usual, I'm the one that may have learned the lesson the best.